Sunday, June 28, 2009

Slowly but Surely.........

Yup, slowly but surely I'll get the hang of this blog thing. I know it's not hard to do but need I say more?

Sundays, hmmmm, much more enjoyable when my church meetings don't start at 1 pm. Well, it does and so for now, I must suffer in silence. It's just that last hour trying to keep from bobbing in my seat. Whew.... I made it and now it's mad dash to enjoy every minute left of the day. I bee line it out of the church heading for my car hoping no one gets in my way. Husband stayed home from church today says he's not feeling well which makes it easier for me to leave without saying much to anyone. (I know that sounds terrible but when you're done with your meetings your done.)

Aaaaah, when I walked through the door into our home there it was a beautiful dinner laid out waiting for me. So sweet, he can be sick like that anytime!

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